Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Novak Djokovic's Press Humor

In contrast to the press follow-ups of heated professional basketball games where the players are coached, poised and dressed for publicity, tennis pressers strive for the opposite. The questions asked are much more candid and sometimes have absolutely no correlation to tennis itself. Often times the tennis players themselves are much relaxed and informal with reporters. This combination sometimes creates newsworthy moments. Read more about Djokovic's humorous press bloopers.
Referencing Djokovic's book, "Serve to Win," an Italian reporter asked, "I read that you became the best of yourself, what you are now, when you stopped eating the gluten. So I wanted to ask, if I stop with the gluten, will I become a better writer?" Djokovic buried his head in his arms in laughter. "Oh, god. Thank you for your question," he said. "What was the question again? If you don't eat gluten, would you be a better writer? ... I'm sure that gluten is a great obstacle for your writing. You should change your diet, definitely. Pizza with no gluten, it's good, also."

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