Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Balancing a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining your health is certainly a hot topic these days and that means there are excessive amounts of information staying healthy. How do you know which tips to follow? This article recommends heeding the voice that lives precisely in the middle of both extremes. When programming your body for maximum results the key is to find a good balance. Eating the proper food and keeping a healthy exercise routine can significantly increase your body's well-being.
Much like the precarious line between thinking carefully about food and obsessing over it, exercise is also a highly beneficial component of a healthy lifestyle that can easily become problematic.These days, we hear almost as much about the health risks of excessive exercise as we do lack of physical activity."One end of it is avoidance of exercise, versus the other extreme extreme, which is too much exercise," says Jennifer E. Carter, Ph.D., the director of sport psychology and the Ohio State University Sports Medicine Center. "Balanced exercise finds the middle ground." Some of us need an extra push to get off the couch, or some reigning in once in a while. For others, finding the balance between too much and too little physical activity comes easily.

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