Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Here's to A Healthier Summer

Students across the country have started their end-of-the year countdown. With the sun-filled days of summer quickly approaching many families are beginning or finalizing plans for their highly anticipated getaways. Summer vacations are usually associated with overeating and softened exercise regimens but they don't have to be. Check out this article for great tips on making your summer vacation healthier and filled with fun activities.
After putting in long work hours all winter and squeezing in those extra bench presses, it’s finally time to take a break! Whether you’re relaxing on the beach or exploring a new city, a time out from the normal routine can be wonderful thing. But it can also make it tough to stay fit—all those meals out and indulging in a few (OK, a lot of) cocktails doesn't exactly help either. All that fun means you might return home feeling less than refreshed. The good news is feeling healthy during and post-vacay is totally possible. Making just a few smart choices will keep you active and energized and help you get the most out of that vacay—and looking forward to the next one.

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