Monday, April 6, 2015

Set Up For Chipping Success with Mike Malizia

Studies show that 95% of all missed shots by amateurs can be traced back to their ad- dress position. Your setup writes the script to how you will swing the golf club. This part of the swing gets little attention by the average golfers, but is measured and assessed daily by the top professionals. You might not have the flexibility of Bubba Watson or the strength of Tiger Woods, but everyone has the ability to be able to set up like a world-class tour professional. Let’s look at the keys to a world-class short-game address position. This set up is completely different than the full-swing address position.

KEY #1 You must setup in a stacked position; this means your spine is vertical, just as if you were standing straight up. This position assures the club will be descending when it meets the ball (a quality found in all good short-game shots).

KEY #2 Your sternum needs to be in front of the ball (left of the ball for right-handed golfers).

KEY #3 60% of your weight should be on your forward leg where the weight remains throughout the entire swing.

KEY #4 Your hands should be in the center of your body. A common flaw for amateurs is to put their hands too far forward, which tilts back their spine causing fat shots and skulls. Practice in front of a mirror, and in no time your short game will reach new heights.

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