Monday, March 16, 2015

The Stretch Zone® Golf Program

Improve Your Golf Swing and Driving Distance.

The golf swing is arguably one of the most difficult athletic actions to perform. The golf swing requires you to draw the golf club through a large range of motion.  In order to perform the golf swing correctly, your muscles must be flexible. The most important component in a golf fitness program that leads to improved golf performance and decreased chance of injury is flexibility. An inflexible body in which muscles are “tight” creates restrictions in movement.  Restrictions in movement in relation to the golf swing will undoubtedly result in limitations pertaining to a golf swing. This limitation will impede you from creating a full shoulder turn and balanced finish position. This causes compensations in the mechanics of the golf swing. Stretch Zone’s golf-specific assisted stretching will enable you to reach your full potential as a golf athlete and decrease physical strain to your body. The Stretch Zone® Method is a revolutionary system of practitioner-assisted stretching that will have you develop greater body awareness, greater fluid movement patterns, and generates more power through a symmetrical use of muscle groups that are not affected by habitual compensatory muscle shift. With a balanced system, you will reach your true maximal potential.

The Stretch Zone® golf program can provide the following benefits:

•    Increased range of motion in the golf swing
•    Added control and hence, power
•    A relaxed mental state (crucial in the game of golf)
•    Reduced chances for injuries
•    Enhanced overall performance and physical conditioning

The Stretch Zone® Method is based on the fact that the limiting factor in achieving a full range of motion is not the length or elasticity of muscles, but control of the nervous system via the stretch reflex.  The SZM® rests on the notion that manipulating our muscle’s nervous energy is the key to unlocking our body’s functional flexibility. There are basically 22 muscles involved in the forward golf swing.  With precise stabilization, control, and comfort; a certified Stretch Zone® Practitioner systematically positions, stabilizes, isolates and carefully assists each rhythmical stretch pertaining to these golf muscles. This method all takes place on a massage table equipped with a patent pending strapping system of adjustable belts, pads, and straps allowing for the extension of these muscles further than the central nervous system would normally permit. 

The proper conditioning of these muscles will increase your club head speed and give you better control. Driving Distance in golf comes from the speed of the club head and making solid contact with the ball. The club head speed comes from the flexibility of your body when the muscles are relaxed. When the muscles are tightened, the club head will be slowed down. This tension will also interfere with the rotation of the club and the path of the swing. Using less effort will produce more club head speed, power, and distance. To book your stretch call the Fitness Desk at 772-336-3000.

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