Thursday, July 24, 2014

Exercise Now to Improve Your Retirement

Exercising now can save you a great deal of money during retirement. This article highlights the importance of living a health focused and active lifestyle. Studies show that this approach greatly reduces the chances of common medical problems that occur later in life. Read the article below for an in-depth look at the way your health impacts your retirement.
The JAMA study involved 1,635 inactive men and women between the ages of 70 and 89 in eight different centers around the country, who participated in the study for an average of 2.6 years. Most lived in their communities, and none had major cognitive impairment.At the outset of the study, all the participants could walk a quarter mile, or 400 meters, within 15 minutes without sitting, leaning, or the help of another person or a walker. (Canes were allowed, since their use involves higher functioning than a walker.) Yet this was not a robust group. Many had chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure and diabetes. What’s more, their sedentary lifestyles put them at high risk of losing their ability to walk a quarter mile, and in turn their independence.

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