Thursday, July 24, 2014

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

Leading a healthy lifestyle provides a plethora of benefits for the long term quality of life available to you. At Harbour Ridge, our goal is to encourage and support the healthy lifestyle for each of our residents and families. Our new wellness programs were designed specifically to improve the health and fitness for our entire community. Achieving these goals is easier with the support and accountability of others.

Healthy Exercise Routine
Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can impact your overall health tremendously. The endorphins released during physical activity boost emotional and mental well-being, resulting in the decrease of stress, anxiety and tension. Many people believe that exercise is only for aesthetic benefits. This myth is far from the truth. Exercise improves many areas of your life. Don't wait for the perfect scenario to begin. Get moving today!

Healthy Eating
A consistent exercise routine and healthy diet choices are directly correlated. Each segment plays a major role in your health and well-being. Implementing a clean eating plan into your everyday life isn't difficult at all. It just takes a little planning and preparation. Our new "Watch Your Weight - The 12 Week Journey" will highlight key points to developing a winning diet that you and your family can enjoy.

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